sri:mad bhagavadgi:tha
Translated Commentary and Recitation by
H.H.Tridandi Chinna Srimannarayana Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji
sri:mad bhagavadgi:tha mu:lam
This was a true story that happened long long
ago, during the end of dwa:para yuga,
approximately 5000 years ago.
Dhruthara:shtra was the brother of the Late King
Pa:ndu, a blind by birth. He had 100 children.
Duryo:dhana was the eldest son of them all. So,
Duryo:dhana was ruling the kingdom of
Hasthinapura, on behalf of his father. He was an
arrogant and cunning person by nature.
The King Pa:ndu had 5 children only. Yudhishtira
was the eldest of Pa:ndavas. He was also called
as Dharma Ra:ja, by virtue of his nature.
Bhi:mase:na, Arjuna, Nakula & Sahade:va were
Yuddhishtira’s younger brothers. All these were
well disciplined and always lived truthful in all
respects. Draupadi was their wife. She was a
pious lady and sincere devotee of Lord Krushna.
Mischieveous Duryo:dhana played a cunning
game, which resulted Pa:ndavas to spend 12
years of their time in the forest. They had also
spent 1 year in secrecy, under the shade of King
Vira:ta. After finishing 13 years of their exile,
Pa:ndavas came out and there were many
negotiations for peaceful settlement of their
share in the kingdom.
The Kauravas did not agree at all with Pa:ndavas
and ultimately it resulted in a big war. That war
became famous as MAHA: BHA:RATHA WAR. It
was continued for 18 days. 18 akshauhini:s of
soldiers participated in that war. Out of them, 11
akshauhini:s were with Kauravas and only 7
akshauhini:s were with Pa:ndavas. Lord Krushna
also was participating in that war, as a charioteer
for Arjuna, but holding no weapons.
According to the available sources – 21,870
chariot force, 21,870 elephant force, 65,610
horse force and 109,350 soldiers will become one
akshauhini. Then, there minimum 2 people will
be in each chariot, one to drive and the other to fight.
And, 2 warriors will be there on each
elephant back, again one will be guiding the
elephant and the other one to fight. Now in each
akshauhini there will be a minimum of 47,23,920
warriors will be there, other than the animals.
And now, you can imagine howmany people were
participating in the whole of Maha: Bha:ratha
War. Unfortunately, by the end of war no one was
left alive among all the warriors, except 5
pa:ndavas and just a handful of others, here and
Bhi:shama:charya the Great, was leading all the
forces of Kauravas. He was the grand father of
all the Pa:ndavas and Kauravas. He was a
bachelor and a very virtuous person. Whereas
Dhrushta dyumna, the brother of Draupadi, was
appointed as chief commanding officer of
Pa:ndavas army.
Before starting the war, Sage Ve:davya:sa, the
Great, came to Dhruthara:shtra to do some
favour, if interested. The Sage Ve:da Vya:sa
asked him whether he was interested in having
sight to witness the war. Unfortunate
Dhruthara:shtra denied. But requested the sage
to sanction that boon of ‘witnessing all
happenings of war from his own place’ called
divya drushti to his close companion Sanjaya.
The sage Ve:davya:sa did so and left on his own.
Sanjaya was a charioteer for Dhruthara:shtra and
also his counselor. He also was a strong devotee
of Lord Krushna, but very honest in serving his
own boss, the blind Dhruthara:shtra.
The war started just before the first day of the
month Ma:rgasira, according to the Lunar
calander. While the war was about to begin,
Arjuna was suddenly overwhelmed with sorrow.
He refused to wage the war. As if to convince
Arjuna and put him back on his duty, i.e. waging
the war, Lord Krushna preached him so many
truths of life.
That sermon in the war field became famous as
“BHAGAVAD GI:THA”. This world renowned
scripture makes man dutiful, relieves from all
sorts of distress and shows a right path, when
refered to, with all faith.
The Holy Bhagavad Gi:tha, a Celestial Song with
700 slo:kas in it, was divided into 18 chapters.
Each chapter is called an adhya:ya. Each
adhya:ya again named after some ‘yo:ga’. There
are many meanings explained to the word yo:ga
in Sanskrit language. But in Bhagavad Gi:tha,
while taking the names of adhya:yas, the word
‘yo:ga’ was used to say that it is a ‘means’.
A means, a mode, a method, a way etc., are all
synonyms. To get rid of any type of misery in the
life, there are many ‘yo:gas’ , the ways or
solutions recommended to a seeker. Our duty is
to understand them and follow. We can come out
of any problem, overcome the sorrows and can
not only lead a joyous life but always successful
in all our endeavor. The Holy Bhagavad Gi:tha is
thus relevant not only for now but forever.
10 days were passed. Dhruthara:shtra was so
confident on his forces, and did not ask for any
details of the war. But, on the 11th day of The War,
Dhruthara:shtra got a shocking news that their
commander-in-chief , the great Bhi:shmacha:rya,
fell down in war field. He was so moved and
called Sanjaya on to him and started asking for
the details for the war.
Having blessed with the ‘divya drushti’ Sanjaya
was able to perceive the whole state of affairs and
started revealing each of them to his boss
Dhruthara:shtra. Though the Lord spoke
‘Bhagavad Githa’ on the beginning day itself. Yet,
no one knows about that preaching. Probably
everybody was in a state of trans. It was brought
into light, only through Sanjaya, on the 11 day,
when Sanjaya was asked by the King
In view of that, the 11th day of the month
Ma:rgasira was regarded as ‘GI:THA JAYANTHI’.
Chanting the whole of Bhagavad Gi:tha is a
blessing, on this day. If, that is not possible,
reciting as many slo:kas as possible, or chanting
atleast a few hymns of it, also adds a lot of good
to us.
Thus, began the the Bhagavad Gi:tha with a
question of Dhruthara:shtra.